Journal of Timothy Kenno Handojo

Thinkpad T420 From Parts

I guess I was bored enough to build a T420 from parts this time.



I got the one without discrete GPU. Since I plan on upgrading the CPU, I decided on picking the cheapest, which was one with an i5. mainboard-new


I got the HD+ one instead of the regular HD resolution, since I...

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Building a W530 with coreboot

While waiting for the parts to get shipped to me, I played with the BIOS flash, trying to get coreboot on it as I did with the X230.

Acquiring BIOS blobs

Like the X230, this one comes with two flash chips. The difference is that instead of positioned top & bottom, this one is left & right.


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Adding Linux Payload Into Coreboot

Continuing from the last post on Buildroot, I wanted to see if I can have it on my ROM.

The idea is to hav a tiny, self-contained Linux system that can be booted without any drives.

I am yet satisfied with the BIOS. I wanted to see how far I can take this by adding a bootable Linux system onto t...

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Building Coreboot for Thinkpad X230

After seeing that the flashing method works from the previous post, I decided to take it to the next level and built coreboot myself.


Acquiring & building toolchain

Installed the necessary packages with:

apt install git build-essential gnat flex bison libncurses-dev libssl-dev wg...

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Cleaning Up Intel ME Firmware From Thinkpad X230

Following up my previous post on installing coreboot on X230, I decided to completely liberate my laptop. The method that I was using only covers the BIOS, leaving the other portion of the laptop firmware would remain untouched. While I would want to let the low-level stuff (e.g. firmwares for the...

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