Journal of Timothy Kenno Handojo

Running Alpine on USB Armory (Part 3)

In continuation of my previous article, I'm diving deeper into Alpine Linux to be able to customize my stuff on the USB armory.

As I'm learning more and more about how things comes together, I've become fascinated by how they do things. I think it's ingenious how they implement some kind of immu...

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Running Alpine on USB Armory (Part 2)

I continued where I left off from my previous post with a USB Armory and an FT232RL connected thru UART for communication to host.

Compiling the kernel

Turns out it's just vanilla kernel with custom config. The only vendor specific things beside the kernel config are the kernel device trees an...

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Tuning My Blog

Resizing Images to Save Space

As the collection of my content grows, so would my need for data storage and network. Although hundreds of megabytes might not be that big, it can be cumbersome to transfer over the network. I would also like to keep things scalable.

I noticed that most of the space...

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Running Alpine on USB Armory (Part 1)

Following this article I wrote a while back, I decided to do something similar on a USB Armory that I've had for quite some time but couldn't really find a use of.

It comes with a vanila Debian installation (except for the kernel). I decided to try and have it running Apline Linux, since it's...

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Dynamic Grub Menu Entry

I needed a way for testing buildroot kernel. For this, I'd put my build on a flashdrive.

I started by preparing a flashdrive (I happen to have a spare 2 GB one) with a new MBR partition table and an ext2 filesystem. Then I installed grub on it.

# mkfs -t ext2 /dev/sdb1
# mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sys...

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