Continuing from the last post on Buildroot, I wanted to see if I can have it on my ROM.

The idea is to hav a tiny, self-contained Linux system that can be booted without any drives.

I am yet satisfied with the BIOS. I wanted to see how far I can take this by adding a bootable Linux system onto the ROM.

For that, I simply have my trusty X230 system, and the coreboot.rom

Integrating it with the coreboot image

The bzImage can then be added to the coreboot.rom with cbfstool. Adding linux command line can be done by adding -C option.

$ cbfstool coreboot.rom add-payload -f /boot/bzImage -n img/linux-acrost -C quiet
E: Could not add [/boot/bzImage, 8922703 bytes (8713 KB)@0x0]; too big?
E: Failed to add '/boot/bzImage' into ROM image.
E: Failed while operating on 'COREBOOT' region!
E: The image will be left unmodified.

Whoops... I guess the image's too big...

...or maybe the coreboot region's too small!

Getting rid of ME firmware to free up some space

The me_cleaner program is included in the coreboot package, but I'd have to build it myself.

To install the program:

$ sudo cp util/me_cleaner/ /usr/local/bin/
$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/man/man1
$ sudo cp util/me_cleaner/man/me_cleaner.1 /usr/local/share/man/man1/

Verify that the image is operable

$ -c x230-bios-orig.img
Full image detected
The ME/TXE region goes from 0x3000 to 0x500000
Found FPT header at 0x3010
Found 23 partition(s)
Found FTPR header: FTPR partition spans from 0x180000 to 0x24a000
ME/TXE firmware version
Public key match: Intel ME, firmware versions 7.x.x.x, 8.x.x.x
The AltMeDisable bit is NOT SET
Checking the FTPR RSA signature... VALID

Operate with:

$ -S -r -t -d \
    -D flashregion_0_flashdescriptor.bin \
    -M flashregion_2_intel_me.bin \
    -O modified_firmware.bin \

After putting it on the custom directory, the CBFS size can now be increased to 0xBE5000 (in decimals, that would be 12472320 bytes, or about 11.89 MiB). I found this thru trial and error.

Wrapping up

Without forgetting to run make clean, I rebuilt the coreboot image with make -j8 again.

I then ran:

$ cbfstool coreboot.rom add-payload -f /boot/bzImage -n img/linux-acrost

No error this time!

Of course, I did not forget about the customizations done in the prior posts.