Journal of Timothy Kenno Handojo

Running Alpine on USB Armory (Part 1)

Following this article I wrote a while back, I decided to do something similar on a USB Armory that I've had for quite some time but couldn't really find a use of.

It comes with a vanila Debian installation (except for the kernel). I decided to try and have it running Apline Linux, since it's...

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Dynamic Grub Menu Entry

I needed a way for testing buildroot kernel. For this, I'd put my build on a flashdrive.

I started by preparing a flashdrive (I happen to have a spare 2 GB one) with a new MBR partition table and an ext2 filesystem. Then I installed grub on it.

# mkfs -t ext2 /dev/sdb1
# mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sys...

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Setting Up Mailbox for Contact Page

After moving this blog on VPS, I realized my contact page isn't working anymore. It used to be that I'd receive an email everytime someone submit. Then I realized that no mailing has been setup on this server.

It used to be that my shared hosting provides SMTP server, complete with cpanel to confi...

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Migrating to a VPS Server

To spice things up a bit, I've decided to move from shared hosting into a VPS. I managed to find a cheap VPS service and paid for half a year. The OS is Debian 12, of course.

Before I began, I installed all the necessary packages with

apt install certbot nginx-light php-fpm python3-certbot-ngi...

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Lesson of the day: do not leave your moka pot cooking unattended.

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