I had a case of update went wrong that kept me up well after the office hour. I even had to take it home with me, as I couldn't afford to have it found in the morning. Thankfully I managed to solve it in time for a good night sleep.

It was a web application created on top of Laravel framework. The server got Debian 10, which I insisted on having since that's what's on the company server. I installed all the required program before having my program running.

This time, the CPU usage was really high for some reason, 100% on all two cores. I thought perhaps it has something to do with the code, or the hardware that's lower than the one my company usually have. Definitely doesn't help that we're installing our product on our customer's premise.

In the middle of my frustration, I looked up Laravel documentation, hoping to find something that would enlighten me. At some point I got to the system requirement section on the installation chapter. It prompted me to recheck my php installation. There it was, a required PHP library that I hadn't install. It was the php-mbstring library.

With my hope running thin, I installed the library, restarted the php fpm daemon as well as the web server, and tried again. This time it ran! It ran like it's supposed to!

There's one question that remains: how the hell did it run like normal prior to this?

Regardless of the answer, I'm getting some sleep that night...